
2023年威尼斯水彩节入围决赛名单公布!(Finalists for the 2023 Venice Watercolor Festival!)

威尼斯国际水彩节自2023年1 月10日对外发布作品征集信息以来,得到了世界各地水彩艺术家和美术爱好者的大力支持与积极响应,根据水彩节组委会秘书处的统计共有来自包括中国,美国,德国,法国,意大利,比利时,西班牙,爱尔兰,印度,澳大利亚,阿根廷,乌拉圭,土耳其,摩尔多瓦等 23个国家的水彩艺术家和美术爱好者提交了 1200余幅水彩作品。经过第一轮评审,我们很高兴地宣布有以下作品入选决赛环节,其作品将受邀参加于2023年11月7 日至11月24 日参加在意大利特雷维索特雷森托宫举办的展览。

Since the Venice International Watercolor Festival released the collection information on January 10, 2023, it has received strong support and positive response from watercolor artists and art lovers around the world. According to statistics from the Venice Watercolor Festival Organizing Committee Secretariat, there are watercolor artists from 23 countries including China, the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, India, Australia, Argentina, Uruguay, Turkey, Moldova, etc. Art enthusiasts submitted more than 1,200 watercolor works. After the first round of review, we are pleased to announce that the following works have been selected for the final round. Their works will be invited to participate in the exhibition held at Trecento Palace in Treviso, Italy from November 7 to November 19, 2023. exhibition.

Venice International Watercolor Festival Organizing Committee

October 5, 2023

上一篇: 2023年“威尼斯国际水彩节”获奖名单公布! 下一篇: 盛鑫煜&西班牙画家雕塑家协会:新机遇、新愿景!