2024年是伟大的旅行家⻢可·波罗(1254-1324)逝世700周年的纪念年,为庆祝这个出生在威尼斯的历史名人,威尼斯市政府通过了第73号决议,成立了一个由威尼斯市长路易吉·布鲁尼亚罗(Luigi Brugnaro)担任主席的“马可·波罗700逝世七百周年国家庆祝委员会”,在威尼斯市展开了一个声势浩大的纪念活动。鉴于威尼斯国际水彩节在国际性上的影响力,和文化交流所做出的贡献,2024年威尼斯国际水彩节并被威尼斯市政府纳入2024年纪念⻢可·波罗逝世700周年的活动项目,作为东西方艺术交流的典范,将参与整个城市纪念庆典活动。
2024 marks the **700th anniversary of the death** of the great traveler **Marco Polo** (1254-1324). To commemorate this historic figure born in Venice, the **Venice City Government** passed Resolution No. 73, establishing the **"Marco Polo 700th Death Anniversary National Celebration Committee"**, chaired by **Luigi Brugnaro**, the Mayor of Venice. This committee has launched a grand commemorative event throughout the city of Venice.
Given the international influence of the **Venice International Watercolor Festival** and its contributions to cultural exchange, the Venice City Government has officially included the **2024 Venice International Watercolor Festival** as part of the celebrations for Marco Polo's **700th anniversary**. As a model for East-West artistic exchange, the festival will participate in the city's comprehensive commemorative activities throughout the year.