美国国际青少年美术大赛是肯塔基州知名青少年艺术赛事,也是肯塔基州链接大学与青少美育教育的关键节点。2022年度赛事由美国莫海德州立大学与美国肯塔基民间艺术中心联合主办。肯塔基州,昵称蓝草州(Bluegrass State)是美国中东部的一个州,以广阔的蓝草草原著称,人文和艺术资源深厚,草地音乐、赛马、民间艺术成为肯塔基州艺术的灵感源泉,美国第16任总统,亚伯拉罕·林肯以及传奇拳王穆罕默德·阿里都出生于此。莫海德州立大学名列美国新闻与世界报道所评选的“2009年美国最好的大学”之一,其人文与艺术学院每年都培养大批的艺术人才。美国肯塔基民间艺术中心位于莫海德州立大学安静的校园之内,是肯塔基东部唯一的艺术博物馆,以收集、传承与研究肯塔基当地民间艺术为主,009年,该博物馆被州政府授予肯塔基州民俗遗产奖。美国KYIA国际青少年美术大赛,以美育为核心,聚焦从3-22岁的青少年艺术教育,并企图通过比赛与展览的模式,将青少年的美育教育与大学的专业教育有机的结合起来,将全球热爱艺术的青少年联合起来,进行一场全球范围内的关于艺术之美的探讨与交流。
Aesthetic education is usually defined as the process of nurturing young people from learning to observe, recognize, appreciate and create "beauty" through "appreciative, reflective, cultural and participatory" artistic activities. Aesthetic education plays an important role in the education of young people. Teenagers in different countries have different aesthetic education, and they can appreciate the true meaning of beauty from the artworks of their own countries, nationalities, and folks.
Art is the universal language of the world. In order to strengthen the cultural and artistic exchanges between international youth, art institutions from the United States, Italy, China and other countries jointly launched the "International Youth Art Competition", and hope that through competitions and exhibitions, so that young people from all over the world can share each other's cognition of "beauty” and share their experience and experience in the process of art learning and creation.
1、国际联合主办:美国肯塔基州莫海德州立大学 Morehead State University, Kentucky
意大利文化与艺术交流协会 Italian Cultural and Art Exchange Association
美国肯塔基民间艺术中心 Kentucky Folk Art Center
中国盛鑫煜艺术 China Shengxinyu Art Center
国际学生艺术 International Student Art; 国际少儿艺术营地 International Children's Art Camp
中国《收藏》杂志社 China "Collection" magazine
意大利佛罗伦萨“Chiasso Perduto”画廊 CHIASSO PERDUTO Gallery, Florence, Italy
【赛事详情】(Event Details)
Competition Name: International Youth Art Competition(USA KENTURKY)
Competition application: May 25, 2022, to January 30, 2023
Venue: Morehead State University, Kentucky, USA
Exhibition period: October 25, 2022, to January 30, 2023
Venue: Folk Art Center, Kentucky, USA
Exhibition Theme:
nature and people. Including but not limited to all topics that can reflect the natural environment, environmental protection, people and animals, society, technology, and people's homes and dreams.
3、证书签署(Certificate Signing):
莫海德州立大学校长 Dr. Jay Morgan;
Joseph A. (Jay) Morgan 博士自 2017 年 7 月 1 日起担任莫海德州立大学的第 14 任校长。在他担任校长之后,在学生工作、学术成果以及大学排名方向取得了显著的成果。Morgan 博士曾在法兰克福的肯塔基高等教育委员会担任全州首席学术官和负责学术事务和学生工作的副总裁。摩根博士也曾担任默里州立大学的教务长和学术事务副校长,以及副教务长、大学教务长、领导力项目主任、研究生项目协调员和教授/教师教育家。
本次大赛的所有证书,均由美国莫海德州立大学校长Dr. Jay Morgan签名颁发。
Dr. Joseph A. (Jay) Morgan has served as the 14th president of Morehead State University since July 1, 2017. His focus at MSU has been on student success, performance outcomes, academic excellence, as well as university rankings and responsiveness to the region.
Prior to service at MSU, Dr. Morgan served as the state-wide chief academic officer and vice president for academic affairs and student success for the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education in Frankfort. Before state-wide service at the Council, Dr. Morgan served as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Murray State University, as well as associate provost, university faculty regent, leadership program director, graduate program coordinator, and professor/teacher educator. He also has early career service as an entrepreneur, as well as being a high school teacher and coach.
Dr. Morgan holds a Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University, a B.S. and an M.S. from Murray State University, and completed a graduate track for school superintendent, as well as a certificate in management from Vanderbilt University.
1)朱莉娅芬奇博士,(Julia Finch): 2011年获得匹兹堡大学中世纪艺术史博士学位。她目前是莫尔黑德州立大学艺术史副教授,自2014年秋季以来一直在艺术与设计系教授艺术史课程和艺术鉴赏课程。她目前还担任作为肯塔基民间艺术中心的临时主任。
2)泰米·斯通(Tammy Stone):Tammy Stone 是肯塔基州罗文县的一位艺术领袖,在她的职业生涯中与 Minnie Adkins、LaVon Williams 以及兄弟 Ronald 和 Calvin Cooper 等著名民间艺术家合作了 25 年。自 1997 年肯塔基民间艺术中心在现址开业以来,她一直在该中心工作。她在肯塔基州莫尔黑德长大,周围都是民间艺术家,她的职业生涯一直致力于为地区、国家展示阿巴拉契亚艺术。
4)戴文·安德森(Daven Anderson)美国水彩画家,密苏里水彩协会的执行董事,美国海洋艺术家协会的前任常务董事。
5)秦明( Qin Ming)加拿大籍华裔著名艺术家,美国肖像艺术家协会会员,美国油画家协会会员。曾多次为美国政界知名人士,著名大学校长绘制肖像画。
6)拉斐尔·帕多瓦(Raffaello padovan):意大利艺术教育家、艺术史学家、意大利国家艺术基金会终身教授、特里维索市政府指定的国际策展顾问、独立策展人、艺术评论家、欧洲绘画技法研究专家、特里维索艺术学院油画系教授。拉斐尔·帕多瓦(Rafael Padova)1980获得威尼斯美术学院设计和艺术史硕士学位。1979年至今,受意大利威尼托和拉齐奥艺术考古监督局委托成为了古文化艺术考古鉴定专家,负责艺术品鉴定、油画修复,考古鉴定工作,为国家艺术遗产做出了卓越的贡献。策划过卡塔尔王室邀请进行卡塔尔与意大利友好关系建立艺术项目。
7)桑德拉·米兰达·帕丁(Sandra Miranda Pattin)桑德拉·米兰达·帕丁,著名国际策展人、艺术评论家,桑德拉·是前佛罗伦萨双年展项目总监。在担任佛罗伦萨双年展策展人、国际项目负责人期间,为艺术家玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇(Marina Abramovic)、克里斯托和珍妮·克劳德(Christo和Jeanne Claude)、大卫·霍克尼(David Hockney)、理查德·阿努斯基维茨和吉尔伯特和乔治(Richard Anuskiewicz和Gilbert & George)等全球有巨大影响力的当代艺术大师策划了“终身成就奖”。
6)初赛为网络评选,入围复赛的作品,将会收到优胜者证书(入围证书);入围决赛参加展览的作品,将现场评出各类奖项。参加决赛的作品将会收到由组委会主席、莫海德校长 Dr. Jay Morgan签署的获奖证书、与由美国肯塔基民间艺术中心主任签名的推荐信。特别优秀的作品,将被肯塔基民间艺术中心收藏,并颁发收藏证书。
Exhibition Rules:
1) Children, students, etc. between the ages of 3-22. Each entrant can enter a maximum of 3 works.
2) The size of the work, the maximum size should not exceed 500mm, and the recommended size is A4 (210mm×297mm)/A3 (297mm×420mm).
3) The medium of the work is not limited, and it can be any type of paint such as watercolor, gouache, ink, oil painting (oil painting must be framed), oil pastel, pastel painting, collage and other free means. (Two-dimensional painting is required, materials and types of painting are not limited; three-dimensional structures are not accepted for the paintings in the exhibition, and no wooden frames are accepted. Oil paintings need to be framed inside and outside, and paper works only need to be handed in the core.)
4) The competition is divided into two stages: the preliminary round and the final round. For the preliminary competition registration, you need to submit the electronic version of the work and the registration form through the Shengxinyu Art website, or submit it through the designated registration email. The size of the electronic version of the work must be greater than 3m. After passing the preliminary competition, the works must be couriered to the Kentucky Folk Art Center of the United States, the organizing committee of the competition, for the semi-final competition, and participate in the selection on the spot.
6) The preliminary competition is an online selection, and the works shortlisted for the semi-finals will receive a certificate of winner; the works shortlisted for the exhibition will be selected for various awards on the spot. Finalists will receive a certificate of award signed by the chairman of the organizing committee, the president of Morehead University, and a letter of recommendation signed by the director of the Kentucky Folk Art Center.
7) Exhibited works will not be returned.
4)获奖证书,在美国肯塔基莫海德大学展览现场,评委将从所有参展的获奖作品中,现场评选出所有的获奖作品。所有获奖作品,提供相应类别的获奖证书。所有的证书,均由美国莫海德州立大学校长Dr. Jay Morgan签名。所有获奖者,将获得一份由肯塔基民间艺术中心主任泰米·斯通(tammy sonte)签名的推荐信。
6)优秀的教师与组织机构,将给与机构以及辅导老师颁发特别组织贡献奖证书(由美国莫海德州立大学校长Dr. Jay Morgan签名)。
参展作品提交时间:入围复赛并参展的作品,需在2022年10月1日前,快递到国内接收地址(北京市通州区柳岸方园2号楼1单元9楼国际学生艺术办公室 王敏13701062661),并统一邮寄到肯塔基莫海德州立大学。
【Competition Schedule】
Registration period: May 25, 2022 - September 25, 2022.
Preliminary round: September 25, 2022 - September 30, 2022.
Finals and exhibition period: October 15, 2022 to November 30, 2022
【报名联系】Contact information
1、个人与机构报名:王女士 13701062661; 李女士 18661693425
2、各地区域代理合作:季先生 13681147769 ;张先生 13573270562
Morehead State University (MSU) is a comprehensive public university with robust undergraduate and graduate programs, emerging doctoral programs, and an emphasis on regional engagement. With a coeducational enrollment of 9,307 students in fall 2020 and a full-time teaching faculty of 312 (65.1% tenured or tenure track), Morehead State University offers 59 instructional programs and 142 institutional degree programs at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, there are 29 instructional program classifications and 68 institutional programs. The programs are housed in four colleges: Caudill College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Elmer R. Smith College of Business and Technology; Ernst and Sara Lane Volgenau College of Education; and College of Science. MSU is also home to the dual-credit Craft Academy for Excellence in Math and Science. It draws students from throughout the United States and several foreign countries to participate in its diverse academic and extracurricular life. MSU is consistently ranked among the Top 25 best public regional universities in the South by U.S. News and World Report.
The Kentucky Folk Art Center (KFAC) at Morehead State University is one of Kentucky’s special places. KFAC houses a permanent collection of nearly 1,400 pieces of self-taught art. Dozens of works from the collection are displayed on a rotating basis in the Center’s first-floor gallery. In the second-floor gallery, the Center presents several new changing exhibits each year, which can feature folk art, fine art, textiles, photography, and historical content. KFAC also boasts one of the best gift shops in the region, offering original folk art, crafts, jewelry, books, toys, housewares and much more. Each year KFAC hosts or sponsors regular cultural events and activities, like the Appalachian Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair. In 2009, the museum was awarded the Kentucky Folk Heritage Award.
The Italian Cultural and Artistic Exchange Association is a federation of artists established in Italy to promote the cultural and artistic exchange of international swords. President Rafael Padova is an Italian art educator, art historian, tenured professor of the Italian National Art Foundation, an international curatorial consultant designated by the Treviso Municipal Government, an independent curator, an art critic, a European He is an expert in the study of painting techniques and a professor in the Oil Painting Department of the Treviso School of Art. In recent years, under the promotion of the Italian Cultural and Art Exchange Association, a lot of international youth art competitions and exhibitions have been held in Venice and Treviso, Italy.
China Shengxinyu Art Center,Founded in 2002, "ShengXinyu Art" is a cross-regional and cross-cultural international art exchange and promotion platform integrating art information, art exhibitions and art competitions. "ShengXinyu Art" respects the unique role of traditional classic art in continuing the development of human civilization, promoting social progress, and enhancing the reconciliation between different cultures and races. Therefore, we focus on the practice and promotion of contemporary figurative and realistic art, and maintain the long and excellent historical values and traditional aesthetic standards. Activities, as well as mutual visits and exchanges between international artists and art institutions, promote and promote the dissemination and development of contemporary realist art in the 21st century.